Frydenbø Bil AS

"Thank you for terrific, constructive, and solid cooperation over the last few years," - Erik Diesen, CEO of Frydenbø Bil AS. 

Frydenbø Bil AS

ACG worked closely with Frydenbø Car Dealership AS from the fall of 2016. In the beginning, the mission was concerned a comprehensive strategic process with the entire company including the CEO and his management team. 

ACG was also hired as the CEO to turnaround a negative trend found in two of the organization's dealership: Frydenbø-Kristiansand (Smebye) and Frydenbø Sandane (Sollie). An extensive turning operation was completed with a focus on new strategies and the improvement of results. 

ACG ble også innleid som daglig leder for å snu en negativ trend hos to av organisasjonens bilforhandlere, Frydenbø Kristiansand (Petter Smebye) og Frydenbø Sandane (Roar Sollie). Det ble gjennomført omfattende snuoperasjoner med vekt på ny strategi og resultatforbedring. An operating profit was improved from 0,7 million NOK to 10,1 million NOK in a timespan of 12 months in the one dealership, while an improvement of 4,3 million NOK to 8,3 million NOK was seen in the other. At the same time ACG implemented the Volvo programs of LCD and VPS, and customized the leadership- and reportingsstructure to the new model. 

Trond Vidar was engaged as a business developer for the company for a longer period of time. He is today the head of the combined (skade og lakkvirksomhet) of Fyrdenbø and Kvernland Bil, in addition to being chairman in Frydenbø Bil. 

Petter functioned as the project leader when establishing the dealerships for Frydenbø GmbH and Mobelity. He was also in charge of all the construction projects for new Frydenbø dealerships in Mandal and Sogndal, as well as many other renovating projects for other dealerships belonging to the company. 

Erik Diesen, CEO of Frydenbø Bil AS, thanks ACG for the splendid teamwork and adds: "It has been a pleasure, at times challenging, and very inspiring to work so tightly with you. Thankfully, we will continue to have a good dialogue though the contract ends."


"We are incredibly pleased with the help ACG offered us when we sold parts of our business. We were completely dependent on their knowledge of the industry, their vast network of contacts, and that they were able to custom-make a transaction for all the parts involved," - Heidi E. Bergseng, Chairman of Autonor.

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