"Our knowledge - your advantage"

Roar Sollie

Roar last had the position as CEO of Bertel O. Steen Detalj AS. He has worked with both dealerships and import and has special competence in target- and result leadership, turning operations, and achievement/business improvement both in Norway and internationally. 

+47 93 44 61 26

Trond Vidar Sagen

Trond Vidar entered ACG from the job as CEO for Bertel O. Steen Invest AS. Prior he has had positions as vice president and director of finance in the same company. He now has special competence in financial, operational and strategical leadership, both in the automotive business and other industries. 

+47 905 73 972

Petter Smebye

Petter last worked in the tyre- and car glass industry where he held positions as CEO and commercial director of RAC. He has also been the CEO of Dekk Partner Kjedehuset. Peder has special competence in named industry, including dealerships, import, and real estate development. 

+47 907 53 871

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Frydenbø Bil AS

Frydenbø Bil AS

"Thank you for terrific, constructive, and solid cooperation over the last few years," - Erik Diesen, CEO of Frydenbø Bil AS.



"We are incredibly pleased with the help ACG offered us when we sold parts of our business. We were completely dependent on their knowledge of the industry, their vast network of contacts, and that they were able to custom-make a transaction for all the parts involved," - Heidi E. Bergseng, Chairman of Autonor.

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